martes, 14 de mayo de 2019


Complete this short biography in small groups.

Imagen relacionadaBe careful with your spelling: 

Jules Verne was born in ………………………(place) in …………….. (city) - ……………..(country).
He is a world-famous ……………………….(job). Some of his literary masterpieces are …………………………….. (book titles).

When he was only 11 years old, he tried to... (what did he do?) but his father ….. Some years later, he started studying …………….(degree) although he only worked as a …………(job) and in 1863 he published his first successful novel “..........................” (title). Then, he wrote more than ……….. (number) novels.

Finally, he died in ………………..(city) and his …….(relative) changed and published some unfinished works.

One inspiring quote by this author is “..........”

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